The EPIC Awards initiative, launched in February 2022, recognises and validates the contribution made by volunteers.
EPIC (Empowering People In Communities) is completely free, and open to volunteers of all ages and from all types of volunteering. To qualify for an EPIC Award, volunteers must make a commitment of at least 50 hours, within any 12 month period. These hours can be gained through volunteering with one organisation, or with multiple organisations simultaneously.
There are three levels of EPIC Award:
Bronze Award -
- 50 hours of volunteering
- Silver Award - 100 hours of volunteering
- Gold Award - 200 hours of volunteering
Our aim is to provide an inclusive initiative that recognises and rewards the contribution of volunteers in the community and promotes volunteering as a whole! Help us spread the word by sharing our posts on social media, and using the hashtag #EpicAwardsNI
How To Get Involved - Organisations
Are you an organisation that would like to reward its volunteers? The EPIC Awards is the perfect way to do so! As well as showing how much you value your volunteers for their commitment, being part of this initiative is a great way to attract new volunteers and to retain and motivate your current volunteers. It’s accessible to all age groups, and can be used to validate skills, experience and training. For placement organisations, it is also a constant reminder of their volunteers’ contributions and gives due recognition for their commitment.
Getting involved with the EPIC Awards is simple:
- Step 1: Register your interest via our online form below, or by emailing
Step 2: Once you’re registered, we will provide you with EPIC Record Booklets to provide to your volunteers, as well as offering further guidance on how the programme works. Step 3: Now, it’s over to your volunteers to accumulate their hours. Be sure to promote the EPIC Awards regularly to your volunteers, and encourage them to record their time. Step 4: Once a volunteer has reached 50, 100 or 200 hours of volunteering, sign off their Volunteer Record of Achievement and let us know.
How To Get Involved - Volunteers
Step 1: Chat to the organisation you volunteer with, they maybe already signed up to the EPIC Awards! If not, send us the details of your organisation, we will connect with them to register your interest. Step 2: EPIC Record Booklets will be made available for you to record and complete, as well as full guidance on how the process works. Step 3: Now, it’s time to put those hours in! EPIC Awards are available for 50, 100 and 200 hours in a 12-month period.
* Tip: It is easier if you get these signed off as you go along, in case you forget some hours along the way!Step 4: Once your hours have been validated by your organisation and us - your EPIC Award certificate is now yours!
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Yes, so long as the hours have been gained within the last 12 months.
A: No, it is totally free of charge for both organisations and volunteers.
A: Yes, you can complete your hours in multiple organisations - contact us for more information.
A: We recommend that the award is attained within a 12 month period - i.e. if you start recording hours in February, we expect you to have accumulated at least 50 hours by the following February.
A: Yes, we encourage you to do so, and believe that this will help you to attract more volunteers. We also encourage you to promote the EPIC Awards on your social media channels, using the hashtag #EpicAwardsNI