Volunteer / PAPYRUS

PAPYRUS believes that young suicide is preventable and that many young lives can be saved by building suicide-safer communities across the UK.  By equipping people with the tools and skills needed to identify and respond to a young person at risk we can all have a part to play in breaking down the stigma around suicide.

PAPYRUS need passionate and committed volunteers to help achieve this.  Here are some ways in which you can raise awareness in your local community and help us to save more lives:

Awareness Raising

Help to raise awarness of PAPYRUS and suicide prevention in your local community in a number of ways e.g. support PAPYRUS at events & festivals, spread messages of hope on social media, put up posters in your local GP surgery or simply wear a PAPYRUS t-shirt to the gym.  Awareness raising fits around your schedule,  and really helps to spread the message further!


Volunteer Champions help PAPYRUS raise awareness of suicide prevention by delivering short talks, known as SP-ARK (Suicide Prevention - Awareness, Resource, Knowledge) sessions in their communities.  For more information and detailed role descriptions register your interest today.