#Now fully booked#
New date secured for February 2020 - Please contact the office to express interest/book a place.
We have now confirmed a date for Designated Child Protection Officer training -
Date: Thursday 20th February 2020
Time: 10.00 - 4.30pm
Venue: Volunteer Centre, Derry/L'Derry
The training will be delivered by CiNI, Children in Northern Ireland and here are course details:
This course will enable you to become familiar with the role and responsibilities of the Designated Child Protection Officer and develop competence and confidence in carrying out this role.
Those who have operational responsibility for receiving concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people, and who make decisions about what action needs to be taken, will find this course invaluable.
This workshop will:
Develop understanding of the role and responsibilities of a DCPO.
Increase understanding of the structure and functions of statutory bodies.
Develop awareness of the complexities of the DCPO role and strategies to deal with them.
Improve understanding of forms of abuse (physical, emotional, neglect, sexual and exploitation) and risk and vulnerability factors.
Improve understanding of the complex concepts of need, harm, and significant harm.
Increase awareness of the legal and rights context underpinning the DCPO role.
Improve understanding of the Threshold of Needs Matrix.
Develop understanding of key safeguarding issues from case reviews and research.
Relate roles and responsibilities to organisation policy and procedures.
Increase awareness of the challenges of managing confidentiality, information sharing and data protection.
Develop and improve decision making skills.
Develop competence in recording and information sharing.
Explore good practice in use of UNOCINI.
Participants need to have a general knowledge of safeguarding prior to this course.
Booking is on a first come, first served basis. The cost is £50 and we require full payment in advance.
Anyone interested, please call the office on 028 71 271 017 or email julie@volunteeringnorthwest.co.uk for a booking form.